FAME provides FREE webinars on a variety of financial topics, including how to prepare and pay for training beyond high school, become financially savvy, and repay student loans. These webinars are held the first Friday of most months at noon and are recorded for later viewing. While these events are free, we do ask that participants register for the webinars they wish to attend.
Getting the Most for Your Money Part II: Evaluating Financial Aid Offers and Student Loans
This webinar is part two in a series of webinars intended to help Maine people pursue an affordable education after high school. In this webinar, we’ll discuss what happens after you have applied for financial aid, including tips for comparing financial aid offers and types of aid, evaluating various student loan options, and money management strategies that you can use along the way.
Personal Finance Foundations Part II: From Emergency Funds to Investing
You’re on a budget and have a solid emergency fund in place. What’s next? Are you ready to invest or start long-term savings for a home, education, or retirement? Perhaps you are still managing debt? Join us as we discuss intermediate steps on the road to personal financial wellness.
Understanding Education Savings
Is education beyond high school in your family’s future? If so, then this is the session for you! During this webinar, we will share tips for evaluating “Net Price” (what you’ll actually pay) vs. “Sticker Price”, and the aspirational and financial benefits of saving for college. We’ll also discuss various savings options. such as Coverdell, UTMA/UGMA accounts, and Maine’s 529 education savings plan.
FAME Programs and Resources: Tools to Help You Succeed
During this webinar, members of FAME’s education team will provide an overview of the extensive free programs, tools, resources, and counseling available to you from FAME. Whether you’re a parent of a young child, a high school student, or an employer hoping to build financial wellness in the workplace, FAME has something for you!
Raising Financially Savvy Kids
During this workshop, we’ll share key strategies for supporting your child on a path toward lifelong financial wellness, including free resources and tools to support you on your journey. Whether your child is seven or 17, it’s never too early (or too late) to begin talking with your child about money.
Past Webinars
Explore our Financial Check-in with FAME playlist on our YouTube channel for videos covering a variety of timely financial wellness topics.
Informational Videos
Watch FAME videos and recorded presentations to help you understand the financial aid process.