May 22, 2024

Maine Funding Network Launches

Maine Funding Network developed by DECD and FAME will provide financing resources for Maine businesses to start up and grow

Governor Janet Mills recently announced the launch of the Maine Funding Network, a new business funding portal designed to easily connect Maine businesses with one-stop access to funding options so that they may grow and succeed.

The Maine Funding Network is an initiative of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME). It results from feedback received from Maine’s business owners, lenders, and economic development ecosystem regarding the need for a centralized, easy-to-use platform for funding. The portal is sponsored and powered by FAME and is designed to be a gateway for interested borrowers to identify potential funding solutions from public and nonprofit agencies throughout Maine.

The network initially will be comprised of sixteen partner organizations ranging from Maine business advisors to lenders to venture capital and is expected to grow.

“FAME is pleased to host this business funding network and to amplify the collective impact of our fellow economic development partners,” said Carlos Mello, CEO of FAME. “Whether it be a state-sponsored financing program or a local lending product, Maine businesses and entrepreneurs will now have far more solutions available to them in one location.”

The concept of a business financing portal draws heavily on recommendations from the state’s 10-Year Economic Development Strategy and the 2024 Reset, including the need to support new Maine companies; better coordinate state business assistance; and enhance technical assistance and improve resource awareness.

FAME will be hosting a live webinar about the tool on May 29th from 3:00PM to 4:00PM. Click here to register to attend.

For more information, please visit to learn more.

Please send email queries to or phone (207) 620-3568 for more information.