The Board of Directors of the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) visited businesses and higher education institutions in Lincoln, Orono, and Bangor on October 14 and 15 to learn about their successes, needs and future plans. The Board also toured and held its monthly meeting at the United Technologies Center in Bangor.
Members of the FAME Board and staff visited Lincoln Paper and Tissue, LLC and Gardner & Sons, Inc. in Lincoln to learn more about their operations and the regional forest products economy. FAME later toured and met with students at the University of Maine’s Foster Center for Student Innovation and the Advanced Manufacturing Center in Orono.
Additionally, the Board toured and held its monthly meeting at the United Technologies Center (UTC) in Bangor, where one of its members, Greg Miller, serves as director. The center is one of Maine’s premier regional technical high schools, serving thirty-one communities. In addition to learning valuable skills, students attending UTC can obtain college credits through articulation and dual enrollment agreements such as the Bridge Year Program. Students thus may earn transferable college credits at a fraction of their regular cost while also completing their high school education. FAME was treated to a delicious lunch prepared by students participating in the center’s culinary arts/hospitality program.
At FAME’s monthly meeting, the Board benefitted from a presentation on the state of Maine’s wood products industry by Peter Triandafillou, Vice President of Woodlands for Huber Resources Corp. The Board also adopted a permanent rule for the Maine New Markets Capital Investment Tax Credit Program banning the use of one-day loans. The Board also renewed commercial loan insurance on a Bangor Savings Bank facility for North Atlantic, Inc., a national wholesale importer and distributor of frozen seafood located in Portland.
Area legislators, business leaders, and higher education officials joined FAME members for various stops along the two-day trip. Among these individuals were Rep. Sheldon Hanington of Lincoln; Rep. Victoria Kornfield of Bangor; University of Maine System Chancellor James Page; University of Maine System Board of Trustees Chair Samuel Collins; University of Maine President Susan Hunter; and Husson University Vice President of Enrollment and Management Jonathan Henry.
FAME Board Chair Ray Nowak stated: “FAME really benefits from these opportunities to visit with local businesses, schools and students to learn firsthand about their work and success. We enjoy witnessing firsthand their success stories and learning about the needs and future plans of our business and higher education partners.”