You work hard to help your customers access the capital they need to thrive and grow. FAME’s loan insurance program was created to help you make business loans by reducing your risk.

FAME insures a portion of loans made through participating financial institutions. Information on how FAME assesses the eligibility of a business or project can be found in our Commercial Loan Insurance Guidelines.

New Increased Approval Limits Expedite Commercial Loan Processing

Hear from Kim Getchell, FAME Senior Commercial Loan Officer, as she explains how new approval limit increases expedite commercial loan processing.

Lenders can apply for commercial loan insurance in two ways:

Online Answer (OLA) Platform

FAME’s Online Answer (OLA) platform is a secure web application that enables financial institutions to apply for up to $1,500,000 of loan insurance and get an immediate decision.

Traditional (Paper) Application

FAME expands financial institutions’ ability to make business loans by providing insurance of up to 90%* of a loan to an eligible business.