Scholarships are gift aid that you will not need to repay. Scholarships are typically awarded outside of the college’s financial aid awarding process and require students to actively research and find them. Start your search with FAME’s online scholarship search for Maine scholarships, and use FAME’s scholarship tracking spreadsheet (.xlsx format) to stay organized.
Before You Start: Additional Scholarships
In addition to looking on FAME’s Maine Scholarship Search, you can also find scholarships through the following:
- Maine Community Foundation
- iGrad Online Scholarship Search
- Your high school guidance office
- College financial aid office
- Your employer
- Your parent’s employer
- Faith-based institutions
- Local civic organizations
- Town office
Nationwide Scholarships
For a selection of nationwide scholarships, visit the additional websites below for FREE scholarship searches. These sites are considered reputable but keep in mind that certain scams may find their way into some searches. Be sure to do your research and be cautious before submitting your information.
Scholarships for Adult Students
- FAME’s Maine Scholarship Search (below)
- Maine Community Foundation
- Maine Competitive Skills Scholarship
For Scholarship Administrators
Do you have a scholarship that is primarily available to Maine students? FAME’s Maine Scholarship Search is used by thousands of Maine students every year. Use our Scholarship Add/Update Form to submit your scholarship for inclusion. Please note your scholarship must be based in Maine in order to be included.
Are you the administrator of a scholarship that’s already listed in FAME’s Maine Scholarship Search? You can use our Scholarship Add/Update Form to submit updates to your scholarship listing.
Maine Scholarship Search
Filter Maine scholarships by:
A. Leigh Phillips Scholarship
ABC Maine EWDC Scholarship
2. Applicants must have successfully completed at least one year in an associate or baccalaureate degree program, with at least one full year left.
3. Applicants must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and GPA of 3.00 in the major.
4. Preference will be given to applicants that are employed by an ABC member firm or the child of an ABC Member.
If no courses have been attempted in the major, a minimum overall GPA of 3.00 is required.
Albert “Pete” Gagne Scholarship
Alice Haiss Scholarship
Alice Hammond Scholarship Fund
• Preference will be given to students pursuing a teaching degree.
• Must have been accepted for admission to a post secondary institution or vocational institution and must provide a letter from the registrar of that school or institution indicating proof of enrollment.
• Must submit a formal application to be considered by the Alice Hammond Scholarship Committee.
The award is open to any student who meets all stated requirements.
Alpha One Powering Education Scholarship
Alva S. Appleby Scholarship
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Maine Section
Amos D. Bridge Scholarship
– Preference will be given to applicants that are employed by an ABC member firm.
– Applicants must have successfully completed at least one year in an associate or baccalaureate degree program, with at least one full year left.
– Applicants must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and GPA of 3.00 in the major.
**If no courses have been attempted in the major, a minimum overall GPA of 3.00 is required.
Archie Russakoff Music Scholarship
Armand Beaulieu Memorial Scholarship
Aroostook County Medical Society Scholarship Fund
Associated General Contractors of Maine, Inc. Education Foundation
Barowsky Scholars
This program seeks to support and encourage students who meet the following eligibility requirements:
• U.S. citizen and current resident of Maine.
• High school senior or recent high school graduate.
• Enrolling as a first-year student in a four-year degree program, at an accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university in the U.S. full-time in 2025-2026.
• Strong academic record in high school.
• Motivated to excel in college and make a difference in their community, and in society overall.
• Must complete one economics course and two of any of the following courses prior to completing college: accounting, finance, history or psychology.
• Student demonstrates a commitment to reasoned, rational thinking, an ability to collaborate and work across difference, and a desire to deploy those skills in furtherance of civic engagement.
• Involved in a balance of community, school, and work activities.
• Students must live on campus in housing paid directly to the university (e.g. in university sponsored housing or student-group organized housing) and attend classes in-person to receive and renew the scholarship.
Bernard Osher Scholarship
Each college has its own process for awarding the scholarship, including eligibility requirements and applicable program(s). Contact your college to see how to apply and the award amount.
Boothbay Region Student Aid Fund
BPW/Maine Futurama Foundation – Career Advancement Scholarship
study and may cover academic or vocational/paraprofessional business training.
The applicant must meet the following requirements:
• Be a woman of at least thirty (30) years of age and a Maine resident.
• Enrolled in, or returning to, an accredited college or training program of study, either full- or part-time.
• Need financial assistance to improve skills or to complete education for career advancement.
• Have a definite plan to use the desired training in a practical and immediate way to improve chances for advancement, to train for a new career field, or to enter or re-enter the job market.
• Provide information about the specific course of study at an accredited school and be qualified as an applicant for the course.
• Be officially accepted into the program or course of study.
BPW/Maine Futurama Foundation – Continuing Education Scholarship
The applicant must meet the following requirements:
• Be a woman and a Maine resident who has completed or will have completed by the end of the spring semester at least one year of college of an accredited training program requiring attendance for more than one year.
• Need financial assistance to complete educational program.
• Have a definite plan to complete the educational program.
• Be a student in good standing at the educational institution or on approval leave of absence of not more than a year.
BPW/Maine Futurama Foundation – Lemieux-Lovejoy Youth Scholarship
The applicant must meet the following requirements:
• Be a woman and a Maine resident who will graduate or has graduated from high school and who will enroll as a freshman in an accredited college or post-secondary education this year.
• Demonstrates financial need in order to complete educational program.
• Have a realistic goal relating to educational plans.
BPW/Maine Futurama Foundation – Jean L. Hammond Memorial Scholarship
The applicant must meet the following requirements:
• Be a woman and a Maine resident who will graduate or has graduated from high school and who will enroll in an accredited college or school post-secondary education this year.
• Demonstrate financial need.
• Have a realistic goal relating to educational plans.
Primary consideration will be given to those with dedicated school and/or community involvement in order to honor Mrs. Hammond’s life and accomplishments. Secondary preference will be given to those women seeking a journalism degree; members or former members or their female dependents of BPW/Maine; members or their female dependents of American Association of University Women.
Brunswick Area Student Aid Fund
Camp Susan Curtis Scholarship
Central Maine Credit Union Scholarship
Children and Youth Scholarship
Chris Bowie Memorial Scholarship
Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund
1. High school seniors who will attend a four-year college, and
2. High school seniors who will attend a Maine Community College.
Awards are limited to residents of Maine.
Community Credit Union College Scholarship
Compass Workforce Grant
Must meet one or more of the following requirements:
• Young adults (ages 15-30) living on one of Maine’s year-round, unbridged islands or Deer Isle-Stonington
• Live or work full time on one of Maine’s year-round, unbridged islands or Deer Isle-Stonington for at least a year
• Have a family or community connection to a year-round, unbridged Maine island or Deer Isle-Stonington
• Have attended and/or graduated from your island school (if there is one) or Deer Isle-Stonington
Cumberland County Retired Educators Association
Dream Local Digital Marketing & Communications Scholarship
Facing Maine Scholarship Award
FedPoint Nursing Scholarship
– Be a graduating high school senior
– Provide most recent academic transcript
– Reside in New Hampshire, Maine, or Massachusetts
– Be a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.
– Enroll in an accredited nursing program for the fall of 2024
– Provide an essay on why they are choosing to pursue a degree in nursing
– Have two letters of recommendation submitted on their behalf
Frank J. Gaziano Memorial Offensive and Defensive Lineman Award
Fred C. Scribner, Jr. 1930 Fellowship Fund
Friends of Parsons Memorial Scholarship
Garden Club Federation of Maine Scholarship
GEAR UP Maine RISE Scholarship (GU ME RISE)
Georgetown Working League Scholarships
Gerald & Verna Rancourt Memorial Scholarship
Must also have a “B” average or better and be accepted to a post secondary education school.
Grace M. Whitten Memorial Scholarship
Grande Du Maine Chester Worthington Scholarship
Grande Du Maine Voiture 354 Scholarship
Grover Gundrilling, LLC Scholarship
Gus LeBlanc Memorial Scholarship
Students must be seniors on track to graduate from one of the Androscoggin Valley public high schools (Edward Little High School, Leavitt Area High School, Lewiston High School, Lisbon High School, Oak Hill High School, or Poland Regional High School) with plans to attend a two- or four-year college or university.
The scholarship will be awarded to one or more graduating seniors who demonstrate qualities of leadership, perseverance, character, and integrity and demonstrate a commitment to service or involvement within their community.
Hannaford Charitable Foundation Scholarship Program
*Child is defined as the son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, legally adopted child or legal ward supported principally by the associate.
Harraseeket Grange #9 – Patrons of Husbandry
Henry, Joseph & Lea Albert Scholarship
Must have demonstrated financial need and community service (volunteerism, church, etc.).
Must have been accepted into a post-secondary or vocational institution.
Hope Milliken McNally Scholarship
2. Admitted to a Degree or Certificate Program at EMCC, and
3. Enroll at least half-time (six credit hours) each semester, and
4. Earn a 2.5 grade point average (GPA) EACH SEMESTER. (Not applicable to students until they
complete their first semester at EMCC)
Horch Roofing Trade School Scholarship
Inge C. B. Weber Scholarship
The application information and essay are to be delivered to the Scholarship Chairman for the Bar Harbor Garden Club at the address below. The judging will be by committee of BHGC membership and convened by the Chairman.
The winning candidate (s) will be notified by June 1st by the Chairman.
Island Institute Scholarship
High school juniors are invited to apply to our MAP (Mentoring, Access, and Persistence) Program.
High school seniors and current college students should apply to the Maine Island Scholarship Renewal.
James V. Day Scholarship, Maine American Legion Past Commander’s Club
Joseph A. DiPietro Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded to an individual in the Portland Water District service area who is pursuing a career that is applicable to the water/wastewater industry, demonstrates financial need, a commitment to the community, and a desire to improve public health and the environment.
– Students must live in a community served by PWD (Portland, South Portland, Westbrook, Windham, Gorham, Raymond, Cumberland, Falmouth, Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth, or Standish).
– Students must be pursuing a career that is applicable to the water/wastewater industry (e.g., water/wastewater treatment technology, HVAC, electrical, automation technology, instrumentation, plumbing, pipefitting, fire science, environmental studies, applied sciences, engineering, public administration) and must demonstrate a commitment to PWD’s mission to protect public health, public safety, and the environment.
Preference will be given to student(s) that:
– attend or plan to attend a community college, trade school or an accredited college or university in PWD’s member communities (University of Southern Maine, University of New England, Southern Maine Community College),
– are the first in their family to attend college,
– demonstrate a commitment to the community through volunteer efforts,
– and show high academic performance.
– Students must demonstrate financial need.
– Funds must be used towards tuition.
– The scholarship will be given on a one-time basis; it is not renewable.
Joseph B. Ezhaya Memorial Scholarship
Journalism Education Foundation of New England Scholarship
– be a resident of New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, or VT).
– be a high school senior or undergraduate college student studying journalism or a related field and planning to attend college in the fall of 2024.
– have a GPA of 3.0 or above.
– demonstrate a serious interest in a career in journalism by sending a cover letter, transcript, resume or biography, and letter of recommendation.
– submit a body of published work in a school news publication, general circulation newspaper, or a similar publication or a body of work prepared for a journalism class. A minimum of three works must be submitted.
Kennebec Valley Community College Foundation Scholarship
Some scholarship funds give priority consideration to students living in Albion or Somerset County, or having graduated from Lawrence High School, or having been employed or being a descendent of someone previously employed at Dexter Shoe or Marden’s.
Kennebunk Savings Bank Foundation Scholarship
Kids’ Chance of Maine Scholarship
Lamey-Wellehan Maine Difference Scholarship
Landry/French Construction Scholarship
• A Maine resident.
• Attending or enrolled at an accredited undergraduate construction-related degree or trade institute.
• In good academic standing.
Latimer-Hutchinson Scholarship
Lawrence Alan Spiegel Remembrance Scholarship – The Holocaust Human Rights Center of Maine
Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Scholarships
Chamber Member Employee Scholarship
One award of $1,000
Be employed at least part time by an LA Metro Chamber member in good standing
At least 18 years old
Have not graduated from a traditional high school program in the last 12 months
High School Senior Scholarship
One award of $500 per high school
Be a graduating senior at a high school in Androscoggin County; planning to attend a local institution of higher learning
Be recommended by your high school guidance counselor, teacher, or principal
College for ME – Androscoggin Scholarship
A minimum of one award per recipient of $500 per semester or the cost of the class in Androscoggin County
Have previously earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma
Lou Fontana Scholarship Fund
MAAF Foundation (Maine Association of Agricultural Fairs)
Maine 4-H Foundation Post Secondary Scholarships
1) A current member of 4-H who is currently active in 4-H activities; and
2) A graduating senior or an individual who has graduated from high school but has delayed postsecondary school for no more than one year.
Maine Art Education Association High School Scholarship
2. Currently enrolled in a visual arts class
3. Nominated by a teacher who is a current member of the Maine Art Education Association
4. Pursuing a degree in fine arts or design fields
Maine Blue Collar Scholarship
Maine Campground Owners Association Scholarship
Maine Chiefs of Police Association Scholarship (In honor of Thomas L. Landers and Charles L. Jackson)
Maine Christmas Tree Association Scholarship
Maine Community Foundation Scholarships
Maine Grocers and Food Producers Association Scholarship
Maine Island Scholarships
Must meet one or more of the following requirements:
• Fully matriculated undergraduate student living on one of Maine’s year-round, unbridged islands and pursuing post-secondary education (2-year, 4-year, or vocational/technical) at an accredited institution
• Currently enrolled in or have graduated from the highest grade available at your island school
• Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $15,000 or less from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Maine Legislative Memorial Scholarship Fund
Congratulations to the 2025 Legislative Memorial Scholarship Recipients.
(Recipients selected from applications submitted by June 1, 2024 deadline.)
Androscoggin – Anthony Ayer
Aroostook – Emilia Wilkins
Cumberland – Jared Conant
Franklin – Abigail Bartlett
Hancock – Ava VanDorn
Kennebec – Sequora Kelley
Knox – Anna Carpenter
Lincoln – Marshall Addy
Oxford – Cameron Sherbinski
Penobscot – Madison Girard
Piscataquis – no applicant
Sagadahoc – Lauren Roinestad
Somerset – Charlotte Hands
Waldo – Emily Mello
Washington – Finn Merritt
York – Charles Carroll
Maine Machine Products Company Scholarship for Machine Tool Technology at CMCC
Maine Manufacturing Career & Training Foundation Scholarship
The recipient of any scholarship award must have applied to enter a precision machining technology, manufacturing technology, welding or engineering program at a Maine college/university in the fall and must be accepted as a student at that college or university, and also must be a Maine resident.
Maine Medical Education Trust (MMET) Scholarship Fund
Maine Public Relations Council Scholarships (3)
Maine Service Employees Association
Maine State Golf Association Scholarship
Maine State Society of Washington, D.C. Foundation, Inc.
Maine State Troopers Foundation Women in Law Enforcement Scholarship
Maine Veterinary Education Foundation Scholarship
MaineGeneral Health Scholarship Program
Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:
• Residence within MaineGeneral’s service area. (See link below under Application Process.)
• Acceptance at an accredited school or licensed program
• Pursuit of a degree in health care disciplines practiced at MaineGeneral Health
• Scholastic achievement (must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, or 85 for high school students)
• Financial need
• Civic contribution
Mainely Character Scholarship
– Student is graduating from high school in the year of the application.
– Student’s high school is located in Maine. We do not accept applications from students attending high school out of state.
– Student will be going on to an accredited postsecondary institution after graduation from high school.
If you are considering a “gap year” between high school and postsecondary education, you must apply during your senior year of high school, and you must have already committed to a postsecondary institution.
MAP (Mentoring, Access, and Persistence)
To be *eligible to participate in MAP, applicant must be…
– A resident of or attending high school on one of Maine’s year-round, un-bridged islands
– Currently enrolled in or have graduated from the highest grade available at your island school
– Current high school junior or senior
*Extenuating circumstances regarding age and island residency considered on a case-by-case basis (including magnet student situations)
Mary Lou Marks Smith Scholarship
Maureen D. Keller Undergraduate Scholarship
•Have been a participant of the previous year’s Keller BLOOM Program.
•Be a high school senior at the time of application.
•Be enrolled in a college/university program for the academic year following the award.
•Intend to major in one of the STEM fields.
Mitchell Scholarship
• Applicants must be graduating in the spring from a public high school in Maine.
• Applicants should plan to attend a two-year or four-year degree program at an accredited college or university in the fall semester immediately following their high school graduation; those applicants considering deferred admission should contact the Mitchell Institute to confirm their eligibility.
• Candidates are evaluated based on the following criteria: academic potential, community impact, and financial need.
MMA Douglas M. Eugley Memorial Scholarship for Public Service
MMA Douglas M. Eugley Scholarship for Public Service
MMG Insurance Company Scholarship
Montello-Sawyer Memorial Scholarship
Native American Waiver and Scholarship Program
Nell Goff Memorial Scholarship
QUALIFICATIONS: To qualify, one must have successfully completed the second year of college/university study and have a declared major in areas related to those denoted above. Priority is given to a resident of the St. Croix District (Hancock County and the southern part of Washington County). College sophomores are eligible, as they will be entering their junior year the following fall. Graduate students must be enrolled for the fall semester following the award. If awaiting acceptance to graduate school, notify the chairman of acceptance by April 25th of any given year to be considered, with all other materials previously POSTMARKED by the March 1st deadline.
New England Employee Benefits Council Scholarship Program
– Be a college student (undergraduate or graduate) studying in an accredited academic program leading to a degree; either residing in New England, or enrolled in a college in New England.
– Demonstrate an interest in a career in the employee benefits field through either course of study or work experience.
Current NEEBC Board members, their spouses, and children are not eligible to participate
Old York Garden Club Scholarship
Botany, conservation, ecology, environmental studies, forestry, horticulture, landscape design, or sustainable agriculture.
This scholarship is in memory of Marion Prince Hosmer and is typically a minimum of $1,000. It will be paid directly to your institution in your name.
The eligible applicant:
• must be a legal Maine resident;
• must be a full-time student majoring in any of the allied plant sciences or related degree programs; and
• must have completed at least one full year of study at an institution of higher learning in the state of Maine or at the University of New Hampshire.
OMNE/Nursing Leaders of Maine Scholarship
Pastel Society of Maine
Patriot Education Scholarship
Eligible students are graduating seniors of Maine high schools, or graduates within four years of the date of application, who are currently enrolled in a college or university in Maine pursuing a degree in business as a part-time (minimum of 9 credit hours per semester) or full-time student. There is a preference for applicants who have a demonstrated interest in personal and commercial insurance professions.
Pearl Ramsey Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Penobscot Nation Scholarship
Portland Housing Authority Scholarship
To be eligible, applicant must:
– Be a current, legal, Portland Housing Authority public housing or Section 8 voucher resident/Participant.
– Be a graduating high school senior, Diploma/GED/HiSET recipient, or already attending an institution of higher education.
– Be awaiting acceptance into or has been accepted for admission to an accredited post-secondary vocational school, trade school, technical school, college, or university for the upcoming academic year.
– Be able to demonstrate financial need in order to attend such an institution.
– Have demonstrated community leadership through volunteer work or involvement at school or in the community
Portland Players’ Joseph Thomas Memorial Scholarship
Portland Rossini Club Scholarships
• Emily K. Rand Instrumental Scholarship
• Lucia A. Wright Piano Scholarship
• Barbara C. Littlefield Vocal Scholarship
Open to Maine residents above the age of 17 who are registered as music majors at an accredited music school, college, or university. Previous first-place winners of the scholarships may not apply.
PROSPER Scholarship
– Not be eligible for federal financial aid
– Be living in the state of Maine
– Sustain a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher
– Plan to enroll in a Maine college or university
– Demonstrate financial need
Rene & Constance Rodrigue Memorial Scholarship
Richard H. Pierce Memorial Scholarship
– Be a Maine resident entering first year of postsecondary education.
– Intend to enroll/be enrolled in a two (2) or four (4) year degree-granting college or university, which is accredited by the Association of Schools and Colleges.
– Show a strong desire to complete degree program.
– Academic excellence demonstrated by the content of the applicant’s transcript and GPA
– Contributions to school, community, and/or work environment
– Demonstrated financial need
– Two letters of recommendation
– A personal essay of 300 words or more
Risk Management Association (RMA) – Maine Chapter Scholarship Program
*Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada.
*Be a current college student enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States or Canada and will continue to be enrolled full time for the entire 2022-2023 academic year.
*Intends to work in the banking industry following graduation.
*Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale overall (or equivalent).
Applicants do not have to be a current RMA member, but they must join (free) and remain a member to receive and renew their scholarship.
RMA employees and their dependents are ineligible to apply. Others ineligible to participate include current members of the Board of Directors of RMA and the RMA Foundation and their families.
Robert G. Fuller, Jr. Scholarship
Ron Cote Memorial Scholarship
Russell Libby Agricultural Scholars Award
Scott Thorne Memorial Scholarship
– Planning to pursue a business degree, or attend a community college, or attend a four-year college.
– Be a graduating senior from the Town of Sidney.
– Have community service experience.
Seacoast Security Trade School Scholarship
Shelley Reed Memorial Scholarship
• A high school senior who is in foster care for at least part of their final year in high school.
• Accepted to an in-state (Maine) public or private institution of higher education.
Sidney Scholarship
The Town of Sidney has established this Scholarship Fund to promote the value of higher education and to provide an opportunity for Sidney students to continue their tradition of quality education in becoming lifelong learners.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to:
• A graduating senior from the Town of Sidney.
• Must have been accepted for admission to a post-secondary institution.
• The recipient of this scholarship should have financial need and a demonstrated work ethic.
Society of Women Engineers – Maine Chapter
Southern Maine Coastal Community Scholarship
Steel-Pro Welding Scholarship
STEM Opportunity Scholarships
Stephen Phillips Memorial Scholarship
• Financial need including an SAI below $13,000
• Permanent resident of New England attending an accredited 4-year college or university in the US (full-time student)
• Pursuing a bachelor’s degree for the first time
• 3.0 or higher GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
• Employed part-time (summer or during the school year)
• U.S citizen or noncitizen who has a current lawful presence in the United States and employment authorization
Candidates should also be goal-oriented, have good writing skills, demonstrate leadership qualities and sustained service to others (community, family, and friends), and undertake challenging coursework.
Stratton Lumber, Inc.
T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Program
• Live and work in Maine;
• Have a high school diploma or GED;
• Are employed at a licensed childcare facility or licensed family childcare home;
• Work a minimum of 30 hours a week and earn less than $25/hour; and
• Have the sponsorship of the early care and learning program which employs them.
Tony Violette Memorial Scholarship
Totman Scholarship
▪ Must be a graduate of Messalonskee High, and a resident of Sidney at the time of graduation.
▪ Must have been accepted for admission to a post secondary institution or vocational institution and must provide a letter from the registrar of that school or institution indicating proof of enrollment.
Town of Moscow Scholarship
Tyler Technologies Maine App Challenge Scholarship
1. You are a Maine-resident student attending high school or participating in a high school-level homeschool program (grades 9-12) in the state of Maine.
2. You are at least 13 years old at the time of submission.
3. You are not a child, stepchild, or household member of any person employed by Tyler Technologies or Educate Maine, and you are not a child, stepchild, or household member of a Maine App Challenge judge.
4. You have signed an App Challenge Participation, Consent and Release form (“Consent”) and submitted it with your submission. If you are under the age of 18 years old, you have informed your parent(s) or legal guardian of your desire to participate, and your Consent has been signed by a parent or legal guardian.
UMaine Pulp & Paper Foundation Scholarship for Engineering Majors (Current Students)
UMaine Pulp & Paper Foundation Scholarship for Engineering Majors (First Year Student)
Unitil Scholarship Fund
University Credit Union
University of Southern Maine for details regarding the scholarship criteria.
Veterans’ Dependents Educational Benefits-Maine
• 100% Permanent & Total disability rating.
• Killed in action.
• Died from a service connected disability.
• As a member of the Armed Forces on active duty was listed MIA for 90 days, captured or forcibly detained in the line of duty.
“Veteran” means any person who served in the military or naval forces of the United States and entered the service from this State or has been a resident of this State for five years immediately preceding application for aid and, if living, continues to reside in this State throughout the duration of benefits administered under the educational benefits program.
“Child” includes a stepchild who was adopted prior to turning 18 whose parent is married to an eligible veteran for at least 5 years and remains married to the veteran during the period for which benefits are received. If the child is unable to enroll in a degree program prior to turning 22 years of age due to service in the United States Armed Forces, then the child may apply to begin this benefit until reaching 26 years of age.
Schools covered under this program include the University of Maine System, Maine Community Colleges, and Maine Maritime Academy.
Waterville Women’s Association Non-traditional Student Scholarship
First-Time Applicants: Students applying for the WWA scholarship for the first time, intending to be full-time students at a Maine-based accredited nonprofit postsecondary institution for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Re-applicants: Previous recipients of the WWA scholarship who plan to continue as full-time students at a Maine-based accredited nonprofit postsecondary institution for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Non-traditional Students: Individuals who delayed college entry after high school or obtained their GED/HiSet through Mid-Maine Adult Education and are enrolling as full-time students at a Maine-based accredited nonprofit postsecondary institution for the first time for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Applicant Requirements:
-Applicants must have been accepted by an accredited nonprofit postsecondary institution in Maine.
demonstrate financial need.
-Submit a complete application with all required documents by May 1, 2025. All correspondence is confidential between the applicant and the Association.
-Commit to full-time enrollment for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Waterville Women’s Association Scholarship (First Year Application)
The applicant must meet the following requirements:
1. Must have been accepted by an accredited non-profit postsecondary institution within the State of Maine.
2. Must demonstrate financial need.
3. Must submit an application no later than May 15 at 5:00 PM and include all supporting documents. All correspondence will be kept confidential between the applicant and the Association.
4. Must be a full-time student for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Waterville Women’s Association Scholarship (Reapplication)
The reapplicant must meet the following requirements:
1. Must have been accepted by an accredited non-profit postsecondary institution within the State of Maine.
2. Must demonstrate financial need.
3. Must have previously received a scholarship from the Waterville Woman’s Association.
4. Must be a full-time student for the 2024-2025 academic year.
WBRC Centennial Scholarship
The recipient must have at least a 2.5 grade point average at the end of the first semester. An official grade transcript must be provided to Accounts Payable at within one month after grades are distributed. For more information, please visit the WBRC website at
William P. & Gloria E. Fleming Scholarship
Woodstock Student Scholarship
Worthington Scholarship
WTS Maine Scholarship
The minimum criteria for selection are:
a) Applicant must be a female high school senior in the State of Maine or must have
graduated from a high school in the State of Maine within the last year.
b) Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
c) Currently studying math, science, and technology.
d) Considering a career in a transportation-related field.
Undergraduate Applicants-
The minimum criteria for selection are:
a) Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
b) Currently enrolled in an undergraduate two-year or four-year degree program in the State of Maine and in a transportation-related field, such as transportation engineering, planning, finance, or logistics.
d) Plans to pursue a career in a transportation-related field.